Michigan Pet Loss Resources
These listings are provided for information only; they are not recommendations or endorsements.
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Please note that during the COVID pandemic, most support groups and many counselors will be offering services only via online platforms such as Zoom or through telephone support. Please contact providers directly for details.
Can't find a support group in your area? Many groups now offer virtual meetings via Zoom or other platforms, and are open to participants from any location. Visit our list of Virtual Support Groups for more information.
Please note that dates and times of support group meetings often change without notice. Be sure to visit the website and/or contact the organization in advance to confirm meeting times and locations.
Michigan: Micky Golden Moore, Ph.D., MSHP, Beyond The Paw Print Pet Loss Support Group. Meets the 2nd Monday of every month. For more information about these VIRTUAL meetings and how to join, please email info@beyondthepawprint.com, or leave a message at 248.701.2345. Visit the Beyond the Paw Print website to learn more about Dr. Golden Moore, the meetings, the BTPP Facebook group, and much more, at https://beyondthepawprint.com/. Open to anyone regardless of location.
Ann Arbor: BLUE Dog Counseling Pet Loss Support Group, meets at the Humane Society of Huron Valley, 3100 Cherry Hill Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105. Contact Colleen O'Brien, LMSW, 734-635-0872, colleen@bluedogcounseling.com or karenp@hshv.org. Meets the 3rd Sunday of the month from 1-2:30 p.m. https://www.hshv.org/get-help/endoflife/
East Lansing: MSU Veterinary Medical Center, Pet Loss Support Group. Meets the second and fourth Thursdays of each month from 6:30-7:30pm in the MSU Small Animal Clinic located on the southeast corner of Bogue Street and Wilson Road. Currently being held via Zoom; please visit the web page for instructions on how to join the meeting. Free. Facilitated by Megan Spedoske, LMSW. 517-432-5967, VSW@cvm.msu.edu, https://cvm.msu.edu/hospital/services/social-work/pet-loss-support-group
Bay City: Melissa Kaekel, Bay City, MI 48706, melissa@morganhill.institute, https://meetmonarch.com/therapist/melissa-kaekel-psychology
East Lansing: Michael Rogell, 2535 E. Mt. Hope Ave., Lansing, MI 48910-1913, (517)372-2300, MRogell@MicroGell.com,
Huntington Woods: Ruth Hiner,
Safe Space Therapeutic Services, LLC. As someone who has been owned by cats and dogs for my entire life, I understand the pain that comes with losing a pet. I also understand the secret shame that we feel one others think we should "just get over it." I provide a safe place for you to explore your feelings of grief and loss when your pet dies and during the dying process. Safe Space Therapeutic Services, LLC, 26789 Woodward Ave. Suite 108, Huntington Woods, MI, 248-491-8152, safespacetherapy@gmail.com, https://safespacetherapy.info
Saint Clair Shores: Tricia Stehle, LMSW, SAP, 22811 Greater Mack, Suite 200, Saint Clair Shores, MI 48080, 248-840-5517, Triciamsw@hotmail.com, https://shoresofhopemacomb.com/. Offers phone & Skype counseling.
Southfield: Kelly McGhee, Southfield, MI 48076, (947) 282-0164, kamcghee@healingwaters16.org, https://healingwaterscounselingservices.org/
West Bloomfield: Shelly Molnar MSW, ACSW - (248) 877-4065, https://therapists.psychologytoday.com/rms/name/Shelly_Lapping_Molnar_LMSW,ACSW_West+Bloomfield_Michigan_36318
Ypsilanti: Jennifer Blough, MFTT, Deepwater Counseling, 3150 Packard, Ypsilanti, MI 48197, 734-203-0183, info@deepwatermichigan.com, https://deepwatermichigan.com/
Ann Arbor: Dr. Courtney White, CodaPet, Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (833) 263-2738, info@codapet.com, https://www.codapet.com/cities/ann-arbor-mi. Serves Ann Arbor and surrounding areas.
Please note that most veterinary clinics and many SPCAs/humane societies also offer cremation services.
Battle Creek: Paws and Remember, 15150 6-1/2 Mile Rd., Battle Creek, MI 49014, 866-921-7297, infobattlecreek@pawsandremember.com, https://www.pawsandremember.com/battle-creek-michigan-pet-cremation
Byron Center: Sleepy Hollow Pet Cemetery, 2941 64th St. SW, Byron Center, MI 49315-9436, (616) 538-6050, info@sleepyhollowpc.com, https://www.sleepyhollowpc.com
Clarklake: Trusted Journey Pet Memorial Services, 4705 Industrial Dr., Clarklake, MI 49234, (800) 968-7387, info.clarklake@trustedjourney.com, https://www.trustedjourney.com/
Clarkston: Trusted Journey Pet Memorial Services, 3779 S. Ortonville Road, Suite 200, Clarkston, MI 48348, (248) 363-1594, info.clarkston@trustedjourney.com, https://www.trustedjourney.com/
Clinton Township: Paws & Remember of Southeast Michigan (Crematory), 44481 Groesbeck, Clinton Township, MI 48036, 586.465.1700, infodetroit@pawsandremember.com, https://www.pawsandremember.com/clinton-township-michigan-pet-cremation
Flushing: Key-Lore Pet Rest Gardens, 7185 Gillette Rd., Flushing, MI 48433, (810) 659-6114, keylore@petrest.com, http://www.petrest.com/burialservices.htm
Fraser: Adoring Pet Funeral Home and Cremation Services, 32720 Utica Rd., Fraser, MI 48026, 586-879-6469, adoringpet@gmail.com, https://www.adoringpet.com
Gaylord: Family Pet Cremation Centers of Petoskey & Gaylord, 2017 Dickerson Rd., Gaylord, MI, 989-732-9501, http://www.familypetcremationcenters.com
Grand Rapids: Noah's Pet Cemetery & Pet Crematory, 2727 Orange S.E., Grand Rapids, MI 49546, 616-949-1390, 800-748-0184, noahspc@comcast.net, https://www.noahspetcemetery.com
Houghton Lake: Trusted Journey Pet Memorial Services, 9193 W. Houghton Lake Drive, Houghton Lake, MI 48629, 1-800-968-7387, info.clarklake@trustedjourney.com, https://www.trustedjourney.com/
Iron Mountain: Jacobs Funeral Homes Pet Services, Jacobs-Plowe Funeral Home, 1025 Carpenter Ave., Iron Mountain, MI 49801, 906-774-6166, denise@jacobsfuneral.com, https://www.jacobspetservices.com/
Kalamazoo: Life Tails Pet Cremation, 6080 Stadium Dr, Kalamazoo, MI 49009, (269) 375-2900, betzler@lifestorynet.com, https://www.lifetailspetcremation.com/
Lake Orion: Pet Passages, 4577 S. Lapeer Rd, Suite I, Lake Orion, MI 48359, 248-499-8446, https://lakeorion.mi.petpassages.com/
Livonia: Pet Passages, 31039 Schoolcraft, Livonia, MI, 734-855-7029, https://livonia.mi.petpassages.com/
Muskegon: Clock's Timeless Pets, LLC., Clock Funeral Home, 1469 Peck Street, Muskegon, MI 49441, (231) 722-3721, jodiclock@clockfuneralhome.com, http://www.clocktimelesspets.com/
New Baltimore:Forever Faithful (Crematory), 28165 Kehrig St, New Baltimore, MI 48047, (586) 228-8600, foreverfaithfulcrematory@gmail.com, https://www.ffpetcremation.com/
Ortonville: Your Best Friend Pet Memorial Park, 2275 S Ortonville Rd., Ortonville, MI 48462-8548, (248) 627-3368, Sales@ybfpmp.com, http://www.ybfpmp.com/index.html
Ramsay: Rivers Edge Pet Crematory, N10186 Burt St., Ramsay, MI 49959, (906) 663-4811, http://riversedgepetcrematory.com/
Rockville: Oak Haven Pet Cemetery & Crematorium, 10950 Northland Dr. NE, Rockford, MI 49341-8627, (616) 866-2295, https://www.oakhavenpc.com
Royal Oak: Faithful Companion Memorials, 4900 Fernlee, Royal Oak, MI 48073, (248) 435-7500, contact@faithfulcompanion.com, https://www.faithfulcompanion.com/locations/royal-oak/
Saginaw: Riverside Crematorium for Pets, Riverside Animal Clinic, 1855 Midland Rd., Saginaw, MI 48603-4341, (989) 799-6490, https://www.riversideanimalclinicmi.com/services-offered.html
Taylor: AAA Dog & Cat Cemetery & Crematory, 25280 Pennsylvania Rd., Taylor, MI 48180-5028, (734) 946-5555, info@aaapet.com, https://www.aaapet.com/
Traverse City: Trusted Journey Pet Memorial Services, 1783 Perry’s Loop
Traverse City, MI 49685, (231)-421-1370, info.traversecity@trustedjourney.com, https://www.trustedjourney.com/
Waterford: Union Lake Veterinary Hospital, P.C., 6545 Cooley Lake Rd., Waterford, MI 48327, 248-363-1508, ulvh@msn.com, https://unionlakeveterinaryhospital.com/on-site-pet-cremation - offers cremation, urns
Whitmore Lake: Green Oak Pet Memorial Services, 11096 Hi-Tech Drive, Whitmore Lake, MI 48189, 734-449-7000, info@greenoakmemorials.com, https://www.greenoakmemorials.com
Ypsilanti: Whispering Pines Pet Cemetery, 943 Wray Court,
Ypsilanti, MI 48198, (734) 547-0083, WPPC2000@HOTMAIL.COM, http://www.whisperingpinespetcemetery.com/
Apopka, FL: Greenbrier - Your Afterlife Pet Care Specialists, 3703 W. Kelly Park Rd., Apopka, FL 32712, 800-257-2107, 407-886-2620, dmulrine@greenbrierpets.com, http://www.greenbrierpets.com. Serves FL, GA, TN, AL, MI; two registered grief counselors and registered pet funeral director on staff.
When a pet dies, you want help... fast!
You'll find it in Moira Allen's Coping with Sorrow on the Loss of Your Pet. In a book filled with comfort, compassion and support, you'll find the tools and tips you need to:
- Understand the feelings you're going through -- and find ways to ease the pain
- "Say good-bye" with memorials, tributes and other coping strategies
- Help your children and other family members deal with their grief
- Deal with people who "just don't understand"
- Help surviving pets cope with the loss of a missing companion
- Come to terms with the guilt we so often feel when a pet dies
- Handle the agonizing decision of euthanasia
- Choose the best and most comforting "final resting place" for your pet
- Determine when and how to bring a new companion into your home (how soon is too soon?)
- Improve your chances of recovering a lost or stolen pet
- Help a friend cope with loss
Coping with Sorrow on the Loss of Your Pet celebrates over 30 years in print - our expanded Third Edition is available from Amazon.com in Print and Kindle editions!*
*(Please note that these are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.)
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