Ohio Pet Loss Resources
These listings are provided for information only; they are not recommendations or endorsements.
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Please note that during the COVID pandemic, most support groups and many counselors will be offering services only via online platforms such as Zoom or through telephone support. Please contact providers directly for details.
Can't find a support group in your area? Many groups now offer virtual meetings via Zoom or other platforms, and are open to participants from any location. Visit our list of Virtual Support Groups for more information.
Please note that dates and times of support group meetings often change without notice. Be sure to visit the website and/or contact the organization in advance to confirm meeting times and locations.
NE Ohio and Beyond: GAP (Grief About Pets) offers a FREE online pet loss group. Faithful Companion sponsors our group, which is offered on the fourth Wednesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. online using Google Meet. If we have over ten pet parents register, we can offer another at 4:30 p.m. Brenda Brown, MA, FT is the facilitator of all the groups. Chanda Joy, Grief Specialist is the co-facilitator. Register by emailing brenda@griefaboutpets.com or calling 330-415-8879. https://griefaboutpets.com. The virtual meeting is open to anyone regardless of location.
Columbus: Lisa Huelskamp, GROW Modern Mental Wellness, 2939 Kenny Rd, Suite 201, Columbus, OH 43221, (614) 371-5000, redapplecc@outlook.com, https://redapplecc.com/groups/. Love and loss when it comes to our pets is profound on every level. I understand. I care. I'm here to help and support you on this journey. As a certified pet loss grief specialist (www.aplb.org) with 20+ years of rescue experience, this support group is intended to share sadness in a kind and empathetic setting, to unpack current and anticipated pet loss, and also celebrate the beauty and joy of our pets. Meets 2nd Tuesday of the month, 6:30-7:30 p.m. $20 per session. Registration information can be found at https://www.growmmw.com under "Register for Groups." One-on-one counseling also available. |
Columbus/Worthington: Sue Mocniak, MSW, LISW, Restore Counseling, 500 W. Wilson Bridge Road, Ste. 75, Worthington, OH 43085, 614-354-6962, suemocniak@gmail.com. Individual counseling and Beyond Words Pet Loss Grief Group, this is a professional fee-based 5-week art therapy-based grief group. https://www.restorecounsel.com/grief--loss-groups.html
Dublin: PAWSITIVE GRIEF PET LOSS SUPPORT. Jennifer Allen, Pet Chaplain, Grief and Bereavement Counselor. Jennifer Allen is a life-long Pet Lover and has known loss and grief well. She has turned her grief towards helping others journey through theirs. She is a Grief and Bereavement Counselor, Pet Chaplain, and Pet Loss Specialist. We have FREE Zoom Pet Loss Support Meetings on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month from 7:00pm-8:30pm. Please contact for a FREE 30 minute Consultation and meeting information. One-on-One Counseling is also available. All are welcome regardless of location. (614) 980-2052. jennifer@PawsitiveGrief.com, https://www.pawsitivegrief.com/
Canton: Brenda Brown, MA, FT, 1303 W. Maple St. NW, North Canton, OH 44720, (330) 415-8879, brenda@griefaboutpets.com, https://www.griefaboutpets.com
Canton: Carolyn Buck, MA, LPCC, LICDC, 2600 West Tuscarawas Street, Suite 340, Canton, OH 44708, 330-493-9607, cbuck@neo.rr.com, https://aultmandocs.com/physicians/carolyn-buck. Offers phone & Skype counseling.
Cleveland/Cleveland Heights: Tina Bulucea, MSSA, LISW, Cleveland Heights, OH 44121, (216) 407-4037, tbulucea@gmail.com
Columbus: Pat Ahl, Ahl Counseling Services, LLC, 136 Northwoods Blvd, Columbus, OH 43235, 614-529-8100, pat@patahl.com, https://patahl.com/
Columbus: Lisa Huelskamp, GROW Modern Mental Wellness, 2939 Kenny Rd, Suite 201, Columbus, OH 43221, (614) 371-5000, redapplecc@outlook.com, https://redapplecc.com/. See also my support group listing above.
Columbus/Worthington: Sue Mocniak, MSW, LISW, Restore Counseling, 500 W. Wilson Bridge Road, Ste. 75, Worthington, OH 43085, 614-354-6962, suemocniak@gmail.com, https://www.restorecounsel.com
Dublin: Pawsitive Grief Pet Loss Support, Jennifer Allen, Pet Chaplain, Grief and Bereavement Counselor, Dublin, OH, (614) 980-2052, jennifer@PawsitiveGrief.com, https://www.pawsitivegrief.com/
Fairlawn: Beth Britton, EdS, LPCC-S, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, 3632 W. Market St., Suite 103, Fairlawn, OH 44333, 330-670-8090, http://www.BethBrittonLPCC.com
Fairlawn: Maria Wentz, 3632 W Market St., Suite 103, Fairlawn, OH 44333,
(330) 670-8090, maria@brittoncounseling.com, https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/maria-wentz-fairlawn-oh/752671
Columbus: Dr. Kristen Maul, CodaPet, Columbus, OH, (833) 263-2738, info@codapet.com, https://www.codapet.com/cities/columbus-oh. Serves Columbus and surrounding areas.
Columbus: Clare Rathjens, DVM, Tranquility Vets, drclare@tranquilityvets.com, https://tranquilityvets.com/schedule
Columbus: Dr. Alexandra Wolfingbarger, CodaPet, Columbus, OH 43219, (833) 263-2738, info@codapet.com, https://www.codapet.com/cities/columbus-oh. Serves Columbus and surrounding areas.
Columbus/New Albany: Dr. Simona Rikh, New Albany, OH 43054, (614) 892-5662, info@konaslovingpaws.com, https://www.konaslovingpaws.com/. In-home euthanasia and hospice/end-of-life care for pets in Columbus and surrounding areas.
Youngstown: Dr. Brianna Fowler, Coda Pet, Youngstown, OH 44321, (833) 263-2738, info@codapet.com, https://www.codapet.com/cities/youngstown-oh. Serves Youngstown and surrounding areas.
Please note that most veterinary clinics and many SPCAs/humane societies also offer cremation services.
Akron: Regency Northeast Ohio, 201 Opportunity Parkway
Akron, Ohio 44307, 330-247-1401, http://regencyfamily.com/regency-ne-ohio/
Berkey/Toledo: Reith Pet Cemetery, 313 North Mccord Road, Toledo, OH 43615, 419-345-9386, reithpetcemetery@gmail.com, https://reithpetscemetery.com/
Canal Fulton: Butterbridge Pet Cemetery and Cremation Service (Heitger Funeral Services), 5542 Butterbridge Rd NW, Canal Fulton, OH 44614, (330) 833-3248, info@heitger.com, https://www.heitger.com/butterbridge-pet-cemetery
Canfield: Cecil Crematory at Angels for Animals, 4750 West South Range Rd., Canfield, OH 44406, 330-549-5634, info@angelsforanimals.org, https://www.angelsforanimals.org/end-of-life-cremation
Canfield: Pet Haven Memorial Gardens, 3495 South Canfield-Niles Rd., Canfield, OH 44406, (330) 533-6811, info@bronzestonegroup.com, http://www.bronzestonegroup.com/, https://www.facebook.com/Pet-Haven-Memorial-Gardens-1238298026250864/
Canton: Woodside Pet Cemetery, 6450 Shepler Church Rd SW, Navarre (Canton), OH 44662, 330-484-1997, https://woodsidepetcemetery.org/
Cincinnati/Milford: Tender Heart Pet Cremation Services, 529 Main Street,
Milford (Cincinnati), OH, 45150, (513) 347-7387, info@tenderheartpetcremationservices.com, https://www.tenderheartpetcremationservices.com/
Cincinnati/Sharonville: Faithful Companion Pet Cremation Services, 11815 Highway Drive, Suite 700, Sharonville, OH 45241, (513) 733-1900, ohcontact@faithfulcompanion.com, https://www.faithfulcompanion.com/locations/cincinnati/
Cleveland: All-County Pet Crematory, 4701 Hinckley Industrial Pkwy., Cleveland, OH 44109, (216) 398-4282, http://www.allcountypetmemorialservices.com/
Cleveland/Twinsburg: Faithful Companion, 8252 Darrow Rd. Suite J, Twinsburg, OH 44087, (234) 212-1000 cleveland@faithfulcompanion.com, https://www.faithfulcompanion.com/locations/cleveland/
Cleveland/Valley View: Paws and Remember, LLC, 6160 Halle Dr., Valley View, OH 44125, 216-524-8860, infocleveland@pawsandremember.com, https://www.pawsandremember.com/cleveland-ohio-pet-cremation
Columbus/Plain City: Faithful Companion, 8200 Memorial Drive, Suite A, Plain City, OH, 43064, (614) 504-5046, columbus@faithfulcompanion.com, https://www.faithfulcompanion.com/locations/columbus/
Columbus: Green Mountain Equine Services, 888 Frank Road West, Columbus, OH 43223, 614-879-8200, http://www.greenmountainequineservices.com
Columbus: Pet Cremation Services, 888 Frank Road, Columbus, OH 43223, (614) 272-6550, info@pcscontact.com, https://petcremationcolumbus.com/
Columbus: Schoedinger Pet Services, 229 East State Street, Columbus, OH 43215, (614) 224-0010, Pets@schoedinger.com, https://www.schoedingerpets.com/
Columbus: Trusted Journey Pet Memorial Services, 2965 E. Fourth Avenue, Columbus, OH 43219, (614) 564-9565, info.columbus@trustedjourney.com, https://www.trustedjourney.com/
Copley: Hummel Pet Serivces, 3475 Copley Rd., Copley, OH 44321 330-247-1401, 1-866-738-1501, pet@hummelcares.com, https://hummelpetservices.funeraltechweb.com/
Cridersville: Bayliff & Son Pet Crematory, 311 W. Main St., Cridersville, OH 45806, (419) 645-6700, toll-free 888-645-4501, bayliff@bright.net, https://bayliffandson.com/funeral-cremation/pet-services/
Dayton: Snider Pet Crematory, 5555 Philadelphia Drive, Dayton, OH, 45415, 937-274-1145, abby@bakerhazelsnider.com, http://www.sniderpetcrematory.com/
Delphos: Tails Remembered Pet Crematory, P.O. Box 122, Delphos, OH 45833, 567-204-5946, tailsremembered@gmail.com, https://tailsrememberedpets.com/. Accepts horses, to 4000 lbs.
Dover: Geib Pet Crematory, 5600 North Wooster Avenue, Dover, OH 44622 (across from Dover Burial Park), 330-343-5506, info@geibfuneral.com, https://www.geibfuneral.com/our-services/pet-cremation-services/
Grafton: Trusted Journey Pet Memorial Services, 12521 Island Rd., Grafton, OH 44044, 1-800-889-9977, info.grafton@trustedjourney.com, https://www.trustedjourney.com/
Highland Heights: Animal Kingdom Pet Cemetery, 5755 Wilson Mills Rd., Highland Heights, OH 44143, 1-800-889-9977, info.grafton@trustedjourney.com, https://www.trustedjourney.com/
Hubbard: Loving Pet Memorial Crematory, Hubbard, OH 44425, (330) 534-4965, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Loving-Pet-Memorial-Crematory-LLC/119248074802468
Huron: Groff Pet Loss Services (cremation), 2602 Bogart Rd, Huron, OH 44839, 419.433.4300, GroffPetLoss@gmail.com, https://www.groffpetlossservices.com/
Leetonia: Silver Paw, 16 Walnut St., Leetonia, OH 44431, (234) 567-7149, info@silverpawaquamation.com, https://www.silverpawaquamation.com. Provides aquamation.
Miamisburg: Paws and Remember, LLC, 1019 S. Main Street, Miamisburg, OH 45342, 877-404-PAWS (7297), infomiamisburg@pawsandremember.com, https://www.pawsandremember.com/miamisburg-ohio-pet-cremation
Norton: Eternal Paws Pet Cremation, 3102 Wadsworth Rd., Norton, OH 44203, 330-944-7297, christine@eternalpawscremation.com, https://eternalpawscremation.com
Proctorville: Rome Pet Cemetery, 1159 County Road 411, Proctorville, OH 45669, 740-886-9888, hallsromepetcremation@gmail.com, https://romepetcemetery.com/
Richfield: Paws Awhile Pet Memorial Park, 3426 Brush Rd., Richfield, OH 44286-9464, (330) 659-4270, joe@pawsawhilepet.com, olivia@pawsawhilepet.com, https://pawsawhilepet.com/
Sharonville/Cincinnati: Faithful Companion Pet Cremation Services, 11815 Highway Dr., Suite 700, Sharonville, OH 45241, (513) 733-1900, ohcontact@faithfulcompanion.com, https://www.faithfulcompanion.com/locations/cincinnati/
Springfield: Littleton & Rue Pet Cremation, 830 N. Limestone St., Springfield, OH 45503, (937) 323-6439, info@littletonandrue.com, https://www.littletonandrue.com/pet-crematory-services-and-pricing/pet-crematory-services-and-pricing
Struthers: Angel's Rest Pet Cremation Service, 123 Poland Avenue, Struthers, OH 44471, (330) 750-1393, (800)757-1038, director@AngelsRestCremation.com, http://www.angelsrestcremation.com/
Toledo: Habegger Funeral Home, 2001 Consaul St., Toledo, OH 43605, (419) 214-2622, brianhabegger@yahoo.com, https://www.habeggerfuneralservices.com/pet-cremations
Toledo: Paws and Remember, LLC, 1021 Warwick Ave., Toledo, OH 43607, 419-578-7387, infotoledo@pawsandremember.com, https://www.pawsandremember.com/toledo-ohio-pet-cremation
Toledo/Berkey: Reith Pet Cemetery, 313 North Mccord Road, Toledo, OH 43615, 419-345-9386, reithpetcemetery@gmail.com, https://reithpetscemetery.com/
Toledo/Waterville: Karnik Memorial Garden, 5411 Black Road
Toledo / Waterville, OH, 800-820-6973. As Ohio's leading Equine and Pet Cremation Services provider for over 30 years, Karnik Memorial Garden is committed to providing all pet owners with compassion and dignity in dealing with the loss of their loved ones. As of 2011, we now offer horse cremation. We respectfully and humanely handle your equine/horse during the entire cremation process. info@karnikmemorialgarden.com, https://www.karnikmemorialgarden.com
Williamsfield Windhorse Farm Pet Cemetery, 9084 Simons South Rd., Williamsfield, OH 44093, (440) 313-5250, meg@windhorsefarm.net, http://www.windhorsefarm.net/petcemetery.htm
Willoughby Hills: DeJohn Pet Services, DeJohn ~ Flynn ~ Mylott of Willoughby Hills, 28890 Chardon Road, Willoughby Hills, OH 44092, 216-658-9010, https://www.dejohnpetservices.com/
When a pet dies, you want help... fast!
You'll find it in Moira Allen's Coping with Sorrow on the Loss of Your Pet. In a book filled with comfort, compassion and support, you'll find the tools and tips you need to:
- Understand the feelings you're going through -- and find ways to ease the pain
- "Say good-bye" with memorials, tributes and other coping strategies
- Help your children and other family members deal with their grief
- Deal with people who "just don't understand"
- Help surviving pets cope with the loss of a missing companion
- Come to terms with the guilt we so often feel when a pet dies
- Handle the agonizing decision of euthanasia
- Choose the best and most comforting "final resting place" for your pet
- Determine when and how to bring a new companion into your home (how soon is too soon?)
- Improve your chances of recovering a lost or stolen pet
- Help a friend cope with loss
Coping with Sorrow on the Loss of Your Pet celebrates over 30 years in print - our expanded Third Edition is available from Amazon.com in Print and Kindle editions!*
*(Please note that these are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.)
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