Washington Pet Loss Resources
These listings are provided for information only; they are not recommendations or endorsements.
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Please note that during the COVID pandemic, most support groups and many counselors will be offering services only via online platforms such as Zoom or through telephone support. Please contact providers directly for details.
Can't find a support group in your area? Many groups now offer virtual meetings via Zoom or other platforms, and are open to participants from any location. Visit our list of Virtual Support Groups for more information.
Please note that dates and times of support group meetings often change without notice. Be sure to visit the website and/or contact the organization in advance to confirm meeting times and locations.
Bellevue: The Humane Society for Seattle/King County, 13212 SE Eastgate Way, Bellevue, WA 98005-4408, (425) 649-7566, petloss@seattlehumane.org, https://www.seattlehumane.org/services/community-outreach/end-of-life/. Groups take place virtually on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month, from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Bellingham: Zakia Kaminski, WHS Pet Loss Suport Group, Whatcom Humane Society, 2172 Division Street, Bellingham, Washington, 98226, 360-733-2080 ex. 3116, outreach@whatcomhumane.org, https://www.whatcomhumane.org/resources/#pet-loss
Everett: Companion Animal Grief and Loss Support Group, Shel Graves Animal Consulting at Everett Unity Center for Positive Living, 3231 Colby Ave., Everett, WA 98201, (425) 239-7194, shelgraves@shelgravesanimal.com, https://www.shelgravesanimal.com/events. Group meets in-person, 11 am, Saturdays, Nov. 16-Jan.18. $15 session/$45 for five sessions.
Seattle: Pet Loss Support Group Seattle Animal Shelter - 2061 15th Avenue West, Seattle WA, 98119, 206-386-PETS, http://www.seattle.gov/animal-shelter/resources/pet-loss-support-group. The loss of a pet can be very difficult. Our volunteers are here to help. The Pet Loss Support Group meets by phone/Webex every Thursday from 5:30-6:45 p.m. For the schedule and details on how to join the virtual meeting, please email saspetloss@gmail.com
Bellevue: Michelle Nichols, M.S., Certified Grief Recovery Specialist, AHELP Project (Animal Hospice, End of Life, and Palliative Care Project), 2826 108 Ave SE, Bellevue, WA, 425-223-5722, michellednichols@gmail.com, https://www.ahelpproject.org/animal_caregiver_support
Everett: Shel Graves, Everett, WA 98201, (425) 239-7194, shelgraves@shelgravesanimal.com. Compassion plans and end-of-life companioning offered by a fear free certified animal trainer, dog and cat behaviorist, and ordained animal chaplain and animal hospice advocate. Pet loss support and support for pets grieving other pets. Also, available for animal end-of-life companioning including making medication and procedures more comfortable with cooperative care techniques, advocating for the animal's needs including identifying pain, making end-of-life more comfortable by managing the animal's environment, and making those last days happy ones with special enrichment and activities. https://www.shelgravesanimal.com/compassion. See also support group listing, above.
Marysville: Danielle Parsons, 1720 Grove Street, Marysville, WA 98270, 425-202-5967, daniellep@alohacompassionatecounseling.com, https://www.alohacompassionatecounseling.com
Redmond: Rachel Wright, MSW, LSWAIC, CDP, Paws To Connect Counseling, LLC, 15600 Redmond Way, Suite 201, Redmond, WA 98052, 206-925-3546, pawstoconnectcounseling@gmail.com, https://www.pawstoconnect.com
Seattle: Terrie Eshom, My West Seattle Therapist, 2743 California Ave SW, Ste. #100, Seattle, WA 98116, 206-419-2989, Terrie@mywestseattletherapist.com, http://www.mywestseattletherapist.com
Seattle: Erin Menser, Seattle, WA 98103, (206) 456-4576, counseling@erinmenser.com
Silverdale: Lou-Ann Lauborough, LICSW, CSW-G, 3530 NE Old Belfair Hwy, PMB 10, Belfair, WA 98528, (360) 275-2377, lauborough.counseling@gmail.com, https://lauborough-counseling.com/
Vancouver: Ericka Martin, Star Meadow Counseling, MA, LMHC, LPC, 10000 NE 7th Ave, Suite 330-F, Vancouver, WA 98685, 360-952-3070, info@starmeadowcounseling.com, https://starmeadowcounseling.com/
Bellevue: Dr. Bonnie Goldthwaite, CodaPet, Bellevue, WA 98034, (833) 263-2738, info@codapet.com, https://www.codapet.com/cities/bellevue-wa. Serves Bellevue and surrounding areas.
Bellevue: Michelle Nichols, AHELP Project (Animal Hospice, End of Life, and Palliative Care Project), 2826 108th Ave SE, Bellevue, WA, 425-223-5722, michellednichols@gmail.com, http://www.AHELPProject.org
Bothell: Tina Ellenbogen, Mobile Veterinary Services, P.O. Box 1744, Bothell, WA 98041, (425) 485-7387, drtinavet@aol.com, https://drtinavet.com/
Bothell: Dr. Kristin Kemper, CodaPet, Bothell, WA 98011, (833) 263-2738, info@codapet.com, https://www.codapet.com/cities/seattle-wa. Serves Bothell and surrounding areas.
Edmonds: Sara Hopkins, DVM, CVA, Compassion 4 Paws, PO Box 1896, Edmonds, WA, 98294, 425-802-2444, info@compassion4paws.com, https://compassion4paws.com
Everett: Dr. Carol Earls, CodaPet, Everett, WA 98011, (833) 263-2738, info@codapet.com, https://www.codapet.com/cities/everett-wa. Serves Everett and surrounding areas.
Everett: Shel Graves, Everett, WA 98201, (425) 239-7194, shelgraves@shelgravesanimal.com, https://www.shelgravesanimal.com/compassion. Hospice care - see full listing under counselors, above.
Everett/Puget Sound: Heartfelt Memories, PO Box 4214, Everett, WA 98204, 206-571-4439, david@heartfeltstore.com. Home Euthanasia, Pet Cremation Pick-Up and Delivery throughout Puget Sound area. https://www.heartfeltstore.com
Lynnwood: Tracy Tomlinson, Home Euthanasia Services, 16418 7th Pl W #B, Lynnwood, WA 98037, (425) 478-7561, peacefulsleepvet@gmail.com, http://www.peacefulsleep.mynetworksolutions.com
Seattle: Aja Senestraro, Sea to Sky Holistic Vet, Monroe, WA, (425)492-0323, seatoskyvet@gmail.com, https://www.SeatoSkyHolisticVet.com. Serves Greater Seattle and Eastside. In home Holistic veterinary services including geriatric care, palliative care, and hospice care.
Seattle: Dr. Bonnie Goldthwaite, Codapet, Seattle, WA, (833) 263-2738, info@codapet.com, https://www.codapet.com/cities/seattle-wa. Serves Seattle and surrounding areas.
Spokane: Dr. Nora Khan, Codapet, Spokane, WA, (833) 263-2738, info@codapet.com, https://www.codapet.com/cities/spokane-wa. Serves Spokane and surrounding areas.
Spokane: Lacey Rasmussen, Tranquil Passing, PO Box 28852, Spokane, WA 99228, 509-931-0466, tranquilpassing@gmail.com, https://tranquilpassing.com/
Vancouver: Dr. Andrea Dover, Codapet, Vancouver, WA, (833) 263-2738, info@codapet.com, https://www.codapet.com/cities/vancouver-wa. Serves Vancouver and surrounding areas.
Vancouver: Pet Loss At Home, one hour radius of Vancouver, 877-219-4811, Multiple Veterinarians, Better Availability. http://www.PetLossAtHome.com
Seattle: Diane Dyer, Life Tribute Professional, Farewells by Diane, Seattle WA, 206-437-2991, farewellsbyDiane@gmail.com (provides funeral and memorial ceremonies)
Seattle: Memorial Services for Pets - offers graveside services and eulogies. info@seattleofficiant.com>info@seattleofficiant.com, https://memorialservicesforpets.com/
Please note that most veterinary clinics and many SPCAs/humane societies also offer cremation services.
Aberdeen: Petland Cemetery, Inc., 2212 Roosevelt Street, Aberdeen, WA 98520, (360) 533-2931, info@petcem.comcastbiz.net, https://www.peturnspl.com/ (handles horses)
Auburn: Precious Pets Animal Crematory, 3420 C Street NE #306, Auburn, WA 98002, 253-929-8495, WeCare@PreciousPetsAnimalCrematory.com, https://www.preciouspetsanimalcrematory.com
Bellevue: The Humane Society for Seattle/King County, 13212 SE Eastgate Way, Bellevue, WA 98005-4408, (425) 649-7566, petloss@seattlehumane.org, https://www.seattlehumane.org/services/community-outreach/end-of-life/
Bellingham: Radiant Heart After-Care for Pets is a pets-only funeral home with on-site cremation service offering personal and respectful care for you and your pet. We utilize numbered steel ID tags to guarantee the return of your pet's cremated remains. Pick-up service is available, or you may bring your pet to our facility. Same-day service is also available. Advance Planning will make the day of your pet's death far less stressful. Make an appointment to come in, see our facility, and discuss your options. Handles horses. 801 W. Orchard Drive, Suite 3, Bellingham, WA 98225, 360-778-9578, info@radiant-heart.net, https://radiant-heart.net.
Bothell: Mill Creek Pet Cemetery, c/o Tail's-a-Waggin Dog & Cat Inn, 19816 Bothell Everett Hwy, Bothell, WA 98012-7122, (425) 481-3214, info@taw-inn.com, https://www.taw-inn.com/petcremationburial/,
Colbert/Spokane: West Coast Pet Memorial Services, 20015 North Austin Road, Colbert, WA 99005; Greater Spokane: (509) 467-4248, Spokane Valley: (509) 570-1720, North Idaho: (208) 457-7111; info.colbert@westcoastpetmemorial.com, https://www.westcoastpetmemorial.com/family-pet-memorial-gardens/
Everett/Puget Sound: Heartfelt Memories, PO Box 4214, Everett, WA 98204, 206-571-4439, david@heartfeltstore.com. Home Euthanasia, Pet Cremation Pick-Up and Delivery throughout Puget Sound area. https://www.heartfeltstore.com
Seattle: Resting Waters is a family owned and operated body aftercare and memorial center located in West Seattle. Using aquamation (also known as water-cremation), a green alternative to traditional flame-based cremation, we return your loved one's ash remains to you or back to the earth. Our aquamation service is comparable in price to traditional cremation and is determined by the weight of your pet. We specialize in pet funeral services, pet loss grief support, and transport from your home or family vet clinic to our office. Resting Waters Aquamation, 9205 35th Ave SW, Seattle, WA, 206-708-0621, hello@restingwaters.com, https://restingwaters.com/
Seattle/Tenino: Rooted Pet, 13911 Military Rd SE, Tenino, WA 98589, (844) 476-6833, honor@rootedpet.com,pets@rootedpet.com, https://www.rootedpet.com (Recomposition)
Sultan: West Coast Pet Memorial Services, (206) 784-4055, info.sultan@westcoastpetmemorial.com, https://www.westcoastpetmemorial.com/contact-sultan/. Serves Seattle and surrounding areas.
Tacoma: Humane Society for Tacoma and Pierce County, 2608 Center St, Tacoma, WA 98409, (253) 383-2733, https://www.thehumanesociety.org/services-resources/end-of-life-services/ (cremation)
Tacoma: Tacoma Pet Crematory, 5302 S. Junett St., Tacoma, WA 98409, (253) 474-9574 or (888) 474-9574, info@tacomapetcrematory.com, https://www.tacomapetcrematory.com/
Tumwater: Faithful Friends Pet Cemetery, Odd Fellows Memorial Park, 3802 Cleveland Avenue SE, Tumwater, WA 98501, (360) 352-8601, oddfellows@qwestoffice.net, http://oddfellowsmemorialpark.com/PetCemetery.html
Vancouver: Peaceful Paws Pet Cremation & Memorial Services, Inc., 6303 E. 18th St. Ste. B, Vancouver, WA 98661, 360.213.0323, http://peacefulpawscremation.com/
Wenatchee: Columbia Pet Service, 1466 S. Wenatchee Ave, Wenatchee, WA 98801, (509) 664-2963, columbiapetservice@nwi.net, https://www.columbiapetservice.com/
Oregon City, OR: Compassionate Care, 808 Molalla Ave., Oregon City, OR 97045, 503.379.1292, care@drlorigibson.com, https://www.drlorigibson.com/
When a pet dies, you want help... fast!
You'll find it in Moira Allen's Coping with Sorrow on the Loss of Your Pet. In a book filled with comfort, compassion and support, you'll find the tools and tips you need to:
- Understand the feelings you're going through -- and find ways to ease the pain
- "Say good-bye" with memorials, tributes and other coping strategies
- Help your children and other family members deal with their grief
- Deal with people who "just don't understand"
- Help surviving pets cope with the loss of a missing companion
- Come to terms with the guilt we so often feel when a pet dies
- Handle the agonizing decision of euthanasia
- Choose the best and most comforting "final resting place" for your pet
- Determine when and how to bring a new companion into your home (how soon is too soon?)
- Improve your chances of recovering a lost or stolen pet
- Help a friend cope with loss
Coping with Sorrow on the Loss of Your Pet celebrates over 30 years in print - our expanded Third Edition is available from Amazon.com in Print and Kindle editions!*
*(Please note that these are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.)
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